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Justin Vermuth Runs for City Commission

We are fortunate that Justin Vermuth wants to be our city commissioner. Justin is an attorney raising his young family in Winter Park. He is running to ensure our city focuses resources and policy to benefit our families and strengthen our neighborhoods, adding value that will keep Winter Park special. 

Justin’s policy priorities include: cutting wasteful spending and restoring our reserves to the 30% target, investing in the well-being of our city by upgrading our parks and playing fields, making government more accessible to young and working families, and refocusing the commission from personal policies and ambitions to the core functions city government provides – serving the needs and well being of the community at large.

Justin is concerned that his opponent has been spending our money on unneeded projects and initiatives, creating ongoing expenses that expand the city budget without tangible benefit for our neighborhoods and residents.

Winter Park needs more thoughtful judgment on the city commission. Fran and I believe Justin will fill that need.

I encourage you to contact Justin at (407) 590-6529 or with your questions. You can support his campaign at Vermuth for Winter Park or mail a check to: Vermuth for Winter Park – PO Box 424 – Winter Park, FL 32790.

Enroll in Vote by mail here: The election is Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

Posted in Policy.

4 Responses

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  1. Shelby Peck says

    Let’s have the voters decide

  2. James T Sayles says

    Are those the policies and proposals and footprints that Justin has will they be more to the right or to the left?

    • Peter Weldon says

      Feel free to ask Justin. I don’t see it as left or right. I see it as common sense and respect for the taxpayers. You never know how someone is going to vote on a particular issue, but I trust Justin to make better decisions than Kris has demonstrated.

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