I offer some concluding remarks on Weaver’s permit issues and his request for historic designation. I believe there is a lesson here for those promoting and supporting candidates for Winter Park City Commission to be more discerning.
At Wednesday’s commission meeting Weaver asked for his historic designation request to be tabled until April, after he is out of office. Weaver later told the32789 that “he knew he had the votes but his decision to put off the hearing was made out of deference to commissioners and staff.” Weaver’s statement bizarrely admits a violation of the Sunshine law that prohibits commission members from discussing issues coming to a vote outside of a publicly noticed meeting. Also, I am mystified how delaying the vote is a deference to commissioners and staff.
Weaver admitted in the meeting, “I didn’t get permission from Orange County to convert this building, which was built completely by permit in Orange County before my home was annexed, ummm…” In other words, he never got a Special Exception permit required to improve and use the shed as a residential unit. Exactly the claim made. Weaver holds himself out as a General Contractor. His GC license, if he had one, would likely be revoked for not obtaining required permits prior to doing work.
His protestations not withstanding, Weaver’s documented behavior and admissions indicate that his request for historic designation is a conscious attempt to legalize what has been and is now an illegal accessory building, so that he may profit from rental income. In the interest of preserving the character of our city, given the history and circumstances, I strongly recommend the city commission decline any consideration of historic designation for Weaver’s home.
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