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Playing the Suspicion Card.

During my involvement in Winter Park issues over the past nine years a small group of citizens (the same people all the time) promote irrational and politically motivated suspicions about our elected officials, claiming or implying that elected officials have conflicts of interest without the benefit of evidence, or that these officials are influenced to corruption by those with financial interests in Winter Park.

Those spreading suspicion receive re-enforcement from an impressionable few who follow their lead, creating a voice that irresponsibly undermines trust in both city management and our elected officials. In notable cases, including the current mayoral race, candidates for Winter Park public office encourage unfounded suspicions initiated by the irresponsible few.

What makes this irresponsible behavior most damaging is that it undermines the worthy efforts of city management and elected commission members who I know from extensive personal experience and research are motivated only to do a great job for our city and our citizens. Guilt by association is not an acceptable standard for Winter Park.

We, as residents and voters, serve our city’s best interests when we dismiss undocumented and politically motivated accusations in favor of a focus on the facts.

See clearly. Vote wisely.

Regards, Pete Weldon

Posted in Election 2015, Ethics.

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