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“Forward” is the new “Backward”

David Strong’s first campaign mail piece has the headline:

“Let’s Continue Moving Forward.”

This is a bizarre, cynical, and disturbing act of propaganda.

Is exposing our city to a $25,000,000 liability and spending $4,000,000 of our money to make the post office redevelopment project go away “moving forward?”

Is virtually wiping out our general fund reserves by spending the $4,000,000 of our money to make the post office redevelopment project go away “moving forward?”

Is voting to increase our millage rate while our property values have fallen as much as 30% “moving forward?”

Is voting to decrease the value of our property “moving forward?”

Is voting to impose “super-majority” control over redevelopment “moving forward?”

Is claiming that services won’t be cut after voting to eliminate $3,200,000 in city spending “moving forward?”

Is financing the election campaign of a like minded anti-growth militant “moving forward?”

Wake up Winter Park! We can protect our character and improve the quality of life in Winter Park but we need practical, rational, positive, and professional leadership.

Posted in Elections, Ethics.

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