February 18, 2011
You will find an Amendment on the ballot for the March 8 election. The language of the Amendment (see below) offers no insight into it’s consequences.
Our current mayor and six former mayors are recommending a NO vote on this Amendment for the following reasons:
- A NO vote protects against electing a majority “slate” of three members at one time who would serve four years without challenge.
- A NO vote protects our current right to change the majority view on the City Commission annually, assuring governance is responsive to the wishes of the citizens.
The Charter Review Committee established in 2009 reviewed and rejected this proposal but the current city commission later approved it. A majority of the current city commission voted to put this on the ballot based on a presumption that we have too many elections and based on the prospect of saving thirty thousand dollars a year supporting the election process.
I ask, isn’t the most important issue the governance of Winter Park? If so, join our current mayor and 6 former mayors to preserve and protect representative government by voting NO on Amendment #1 on March 8.
Regards, Pete Weldon
If they want to save money, move the elections back to the first Tuesday in November.