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And the winner is: Winter Park

Congratulations to Sarah Sprinkel and Steve Leary.

The numbers speak for themselves.


Posted in Election 2011, Elections.

3 Responses

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  1. Anonymous says

    Pete, your work on this blog is a big part of these victories. You deserve a round of applause from the majority who benefited from your research and your honest presentation of your opinions. Congratulations and thank you!

  2. Pete Weldon says

    Thank-you for the praise but we had two talented, motivated, and responsible candidates with active supporters to get their message out.

    My intent has always been to express a point of view and to support that view with logic and relevant fact, inviting alternative views to be expressed and supported, understanding that it is insufficient and nonconstructive to govern based on opinion and that quality decisions require substantive debate.

    I don’t insist on getting it right. I insist on the city getting it right.

    The results last night will hopefully improve our chances of getting it right.

    Regards, Pete Weldon

  3. Anonymous says

    I absolutely agree with the previous comment. Pete, you have been a strong, factual and non-emotional voice for citizens of Winter Park. This city is very fortunate to have your perspective and especially the historical facts when you present the issues! Thank you –

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