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Into the Light

January 26, 2012

Jack and John Rogers’ recent letter to the Winter Park/Maitland Observer offers clarity for all Winter Park voters. Jack and John are the defenders of all things “Winter Park” as seen through their righteous eyes. The following is a quote from their letter written by John:

The political atmosphere in this town has been toxic for, what, two decades? Each election is a battle between forces of responsible development, thoughtfulness and preservation and the forces of demolition and replacement with, frequently, out-of-scale and lesser structures, whether commercial or residential. My father has tried to stand against this process, and where he has been unable to stand against it, he has tried to slow it down. For this, as the Bradley mailer shows, he is a marked man.

John is being melodramatic. No one has made his father a “marked man” and Ken Bradley has done nothing to undermine “responsible development, thoughtfulness, and preservation.” Rather, the “toxic” language of Ms. Miles campaign shows that John and Jack are happy to encourage others to demean Ken Bradley on their behalf.

Read carefully what they are saying and think about it. Do you want Jack and John Rogers and their proxies on the city commission telling you what is an “out of scale and lesser structure” on your property “whether commercial or residential?” Do you want them to “preserve” your property against your will?

We need to re-elect Ken Bradley on January 31, 2012. Jack and John Rogers will be voting.

Regards, Pete Weldon


Posted in Election 2012, Elections.

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