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Vote for Sarah Sprinkel on March 11

Sarah Sprinkel, our city commissioner for the past three years, has consistently voted based on the facts and with common sense. Sarah’s judgment as our commissioner evidences her vast experience in organizational and civic life. Check out her credentials!

Sarah’s opponent, to the contrary has not documented any applicable experience and is running what is essentially a one issue platform related to historic preservation. The positions Sandy Womble has taken are a remnant of the circa 2005 “One Winter Park” cabal that so damaged our city. While I appreciate Sandy’s passion for her views, they are out of touch with reality and would harm our city if put into practice.

Sarah won her 2011 election with 65% of the vote for a good reason. She is smart, compassionate, experienced and qualified. There is no reason to change dance partners. We already have the best candidate in office and we should keep her there. I am voting for Sarah Sprinkel.

NOTE: The election is Tuesday, March 11, 2014. The City Clerk informs me that early voting is available Monday-Friday March 3-7 from 8 AM to 5 PM at the Supervisor of Elections Office located 119 West Kaley Street Orlando, FL 32806. You can call 407-836-2070 to establish, confirm, or update your absentee ballot status.

Vote on March 11.

Regards, Pete Weldon




Posted in Election 2014, Elections.

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