Possible good news! Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio has sent an email stating, she has “no plans to vote for an increase to the City’s millage rate.” Although lawyer speak, her words are somewhat comforting. The final vote takes place on September 23rd and there is no assurance as to what her vote will be at that time.
Your emails and signs seem to have convinced at least one commissioner to back off their July vote to increase the millage rate. The July vote of DeCiccio, Weaver, Sullivan, and Cooper put the onus on us to push back. The tax vote process is determined by State law. The purpose of the July vote requirement is to put residents on notice as to the intent of their elected officials, providing three months for public input before the final vote at the end of September.
Your public input may well have swayed the end result in this case but we will not know for certain until the September 23rd vote.
I encourage residents to stay informed and keep our commission members accountable for their actions.
Regards, Pete Weldon
Post Script: Regarding Shiela’s claim that “the commission HAS NOT raised the millage rate,” she is playing word games. I refer you to your TRIM notice and the minutes of the July 22nd commission meeting. Here is an excerpt (the prior millage rate was 4.0923):
My communications on this issue have made it clear that the final vote is on September 23rd. There would be no reason to go into the detail I have if the tax rate has already been finalized. Sheila deflects responsibility for her vote by claiming I provided “false” information.
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