From commission meeting minutes, millage rate vote July 22, 2020:

Your emails and yard signs have made a difference.
Two of the four commission members who voted to increase the property tax rate by 11.5% in July have now publicly reversed themselves. Sheila DeCicco now says she has, “no plans to vote for an increase to the City’s millage rate.” Marty Sullivan now says, “Good news, it seems we will not need to increase the property tax rate. The old rate looks to be the appropriate rate, 4.0923 millage rate.” (as if there was ever a credible justification for an increase).
The next millage rate vote is Wednesday, September 9th with the final vote September 23rd.
A key question is why these commissioners forced residents away from their private lives and priorities to engage in an email and yard sign campaign to stop a tax rate increase. Another key question is why they tried to deflect responsibility to “former commissioners” rather than accept responsibility for an obvious error in judgment. This never should have happened.
I sent an email to the commissioners thanking them for coming to their senses and encouraging them to stay in touch with reality, and with the needs and expectations of their constituents. Your doing the same can send a constructive message.
We all look forward to the millage rate votes on September 9th and 23rd. Best to keep those yard signs up until then…
Regards, Pete Weldon
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