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Time to Lower Winter Park Taxes and Spending

Tell our commission to lower taxes and spending.

The City Manager’s proposed budget and property tax rate for 2021-2022 will be voted on Wednesday, July 14. Please write to and tell them to lower the tax rate and reduce spending.

The City of Winter Park is flush with cash and financially strong. The City Commission has been spending every penny of general fund revenue without regard to demonstrated need or long-term consequences. While they like to talk about the property tax rate remaining constant, the real story is that general fund property taxes have increased from $20.8 million to $27.4 million, or 32% since 2018 based on valuation increases.

Unrestricted reserves are at an historic high, yet the commission keeps spending every penny of revenue.

General fund spending has increased from $54.2 million in 2018 to a proposed $63.7 million in 2022, despite the pandemic, as the commission spends every penny of general fund revenue increases.

Further, the city will receive at least an ADDITIONAL $12 million from the Federal “Rescue” act over the next two years, not included in the proposed budget. The commission continues to plan to spend these excess funds on ill defined personal agendas with not a penny going back to us, the people who pay the bills.

It is clear we have the money to improve city services and expand capital spending even while we reduce both taxes and spending. Let the commission know what you want.



Regards, Pete Weldon

Posted in Policy.

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