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City Commission Blows Up Our Finances!

By my estimates, this city commission has already wasted over $30,000,000 in little more than three years. More details in a followup post.

Now, they have just voted 3-2 to waste an additional $6,326,000 as a firm offer to purchase the Bank of Ozarks property abutting Pointless Park. The offer is good for 21 days from September 13. Commission members DeCiccio, Weaver, and Sullivan voted in favor, Anderson and Cruzada voted no.

Click here to email the commission and tell them to STOP. Tell them to hold a special meeting to immediately rescind this offer.

Please also file to run for city commission in March 2024. Information on running is here. I have heard that Anderson does not plan to run for re-election and that DeCiccio will run for Mayor, freeing up her current seat. So, there may well be two seats available next year. PLEASE give this serious consideration. Save our city from an ideologically driven, profligate, and unreasoned commission.

Should Bank of the Ozarks agree to this offer, the commission has agreed to borrow at least $4,500,000 and add existing funds to complete the purchase. You have no vote on the borrowing related to this purchase as the City Charter allows a simple majority of the commission to issue general obligation bonds for park acquisition without a citizen vote.

The debt service alone for this purchase will consume most of our annual planned budget contingency, every year. Further, the purchase will require million$ in additional new revenue beyond the debt service to clear, improve, and maintain the property. This purchase offers no meaningful benefits and will drive an increase in our property tax rate.

Tell them to STOP.

More on this and other commission reckless spending forthcoming.

Regards, Pete Weldon

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