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Candidate Responses On Renewable Policy

The commission unanimously approved a policy whereby, after electric undergrounding is completed in 2030, savings realized at the end of the project would be used to purchase renewable energy priced above market rates up to about $7,000,000 per year ($500 per electric customer per year). This policy is intended to move the city toward the arbitrary goal of using 80% renewable energy by 2035. This $7,000,000 could alternatively be used to directly benefit electric customers through rate reductions and direct investments in our city.

My prior post on renewal energy policy asked each candidate:

Should the city pay more than a competitive price for electricity? YES or NO. If yes, why?

On this issue, the only candidate with a clear policy to directly benefit our electric customers is Stockton Reeves for Commission Seat 2.

Here are the responses:

Shiela DeCiccioMayoral Candidate: YES, pay more than market prices for energy to meet arbitrary renewable energy goals at the expense of electric customers. Sheila did not respond to repeated requests for clarification but voted for the Renewable Energy Policy as a sitting commission member.

Michael Cameron – Mayoral Candidate: POSSIBLE YES, pay more than market prices for energy to meet arbitrary renewable energy goals at the expense of electric customers – See his full response here.

Jason Johnson – Commission Candidate Seat 2: LIKELY YES, pay more than market prices for energy to meet arbitrary renewable energy goals at the expense of electric customers – See our email exchange here. Jason claimed the premise of the question is “fundamentally flawed” but offered no evidence and declined to clarify his position.

Stockton ReevesCommission Candidate Seat 2: NO, buy energy at the best market priceSee his full response below.

Craig RussellCommission Candidate Seat 2: Did not respond to repeated requests.

Be sure to get input from the candidates on issues important to you.

Shiela DeCiccio – – Mayor
Michael Cameron – – Mayor
Stockton Reeves – – Commission Seat 2
Craig Russell – – Commission Seat 2
Jason Johnson – – Commission Seat 2

Posted in Policy.

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