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Kris Cruzada or Justin Vermuth?

We will elect either Kris Cruzada or Justin Vermuth to the Winter Park City Commission on March 11th. Elections should be about policy, not personality or who is friends with whom. Both candidates are nice people but Kris Cruzada should be willing to support his voting record.

Before you vote, please contact Kris Cruzada and ask him to justify his votes on the policy issues below. I asked and he didn’t answer. Justin Vermuth has disagreed with many of his opponent’s positions and would have prioritized creating greater value for Winter Park residents.

ONE: Why did you vote to expand and extend the CRA that only covers about 10% of our population, when the alternative was to add $84,000,000 to the general fund over ten years that could be spent for improvements directly benefiting all Winter Park residents and reduce the pressure for a property tax increase?

TWO: Why did you vote to spend over $5,250,000 to build a parking lot with a small park on Orange Ave, when you could have spent money improving Mead Gardens (1200 feet away), and sold the Orange Ave land for as much as $15,000,000 to pay to improve all our parks?

THREE: Why did you vote to spend $5,500,000 for 1.3 acres at the corner of Denning and Fairbanks and spend $750,000 to add a Denning turn lane onto Fairbanks, when the beneficiary of this spending is FDOT and not Winter Park residents?

FOUR: Why did you vote to lease the old library building for 20 years at 65% below market rate when it could have been sold for $8,000,000 or more and used for residential condominiums generating about $140,000 a year in new property taxes?

FIVE: Will you vote to support Commissioner Marty Sullivan’s plan to raise our tax rate and spend $268,000,000 for undefined projects (see page 2 here)?

Please VOTE. If you have a Vote-By-Mail ballot, send it in soon so it is sure to be at the elections office by March 11th. If you will vote in person, click here to confirm your voter information and poll location.

Posted in Policy.

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