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Repeal CRA Expansion and Extension

Request that the city commission repeal Ordinance 3294-24 Expanding and Extending the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA). Contact the city commission here:

Please see prior posts on this subject:

More perspective is required by the commission in considering this CRA expansion and extension.

Only 12% of Winter Park’s population lives within the proposed expanded CRA. Why are approximately 27,000 residents (88%) being denied $84,000,000 in projected property taxes between 2028 and 2037?

The commission’s latest 10 year financial projections show a continuing decline of our reserves to finance ever increasing expenses EVEN WITH the addition of the current CRA revenue in the General Fund beginning in 2028 (that will not exist if the CRA expansion and extension is finalized)! Click below to review the commission’s financial projection.

The overhead this commission has created combined with an approval of this CRA expansion and extension will necessitate a tax rate increase in the near future. This is not rational policy, especially given the ill defined CRA projects, none of which incentivize any increase in the tax base.

Our retiring Mayor, Phil Anderson, called the CRA expansion and extension “a big deal.” If Orange County approves this it will be “a big disaster” with no benefits for 88% of Winter Park residents and unnecessary tax rate increases for all Winter Park residents.

Contact the commission and request repeal of the CRA expansion and extension:

Posted in Policy.

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