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Sarah Sprinkel Is Right For Winter Park

VOTE TUESDAY, MARCH 9th find your polling place

The public face of the Winter Park Mayoral election is one of the typical platitudes with an occasional soap opera thrown in.

What matters, however, is policy. Sarah Sprinkel has a strong record of reasonableness and sound policy judgment in her previous nine years of service on the commission. As a person of proven character and accomplishment, she has rightly earned the endorsement of six Winter Park mayors and deserves our vote.

The current four commissioners have each been promoted and financially supported by Jennifer and Phil Anderson. All four commissioners have dutifully endorsed Phil’s candidacy. Here are a few of their policies since taking control of the commission in 2020:

Contrast these policies with Sarah Sprinkel’s nine years of accomplishments.

VOTE TUESDAY, MARCH 9th find your polling place

Regards, Pete Weldon

Pete Weldon served the city of Winter Park from 2007 to 2019 on the code enforcement board, the tree preservation board, the planning and zoning board, and on the Winter Park City Commission.

Posted in Policy.

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