Should be a fun vote by the City Commission Wednesday, January 8th on a request by commission member Todd Weaver to declare his home at 1051 Lake Bell Drive as historic. This is a bald attempt by Weaver to legalize his code violations going back at least 10 years.
How, you ask?
- Weaver enclosed an open car port sometime between 2005 and 2007 without a permit. (Also a likely violation of state statute 553.79(1)(a) and 487.127(1)(h).)
- Weaver converted a 10×20 “shed” permitted when under Orange County jurisdiction in 2000 into a free-standing guest house with plumbing and a “complete kitchen” without a permit. (Also a likely violation of state statute 553.79(1)(a) and 487.127(1)(h).)
- Weaver repeatedly violated Winter Park code by renting the free-standing guest house at least from 2016 through 2021. (Violating Winter Park code Sec 58-71(i)(8).) Weaver continued to illegally rent his free standing guest house after acknowledging in 2016 that he violated the short term rental law, after being elected to the Winter Park City Commission, and after swearing an oath of office to uphold the laws of the State and City.
Approving his home as “historic” (which it is not), will grant Weaver the right to continue to rent out his illegal “accessory cottage” while NOT holding him accountable for his years of numerous code violations.
This from the agenda language: The rear accessory cottage was a storage shed that had been converted to a small accessory living space. A historic designation allows a property owner, as an incentive for designation, to use such an accessory cottage as a rental unit (30-day minimum).
We will find out Wednesday if other members of our city commission are as feckless as Weaver. Should be fun! 🙂
Contact the Mayor and Commissioners with your thoughts on this issue:
So this scam sailed through the Historic Preservation Board? If a prosecutor can convince a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, then it is not a stretch that in WP, a ham sandwich can receive an historic designation, and the “incentives” that come along with it. The joke’s on us, again.
If they approve it, then every Winter Park home owner should: