Thank you for our interest in a “Stop Tax Increases” yard sign. They are all gone!
Contact the city commissioners to tell them to roll back their tax increase. They vote again on the millage rate September 9th and the final vote is on September 23, 2020.
Marty Sullivan – Phone: (407) 484-0112
Sheila DeCiccio – Phone: (407) 256-2989
Carolyn Cooper – Phone: (407) 222-7766
Todd Weaver – Phone: (407) 496-6523
A tax increase, especially during a pandemic should be the absolute last resort after every other cost saving and reduction measure has been fully exploited. This commission with the exception of the Mayor spent no effort in vetting cost control / reduction measures. Instead, they immediately reacted to the crisis by voting to approve a tax increase opportunity, a shameful act disavowing their responsibility to be good stewards of the tax revenue from the citizens of Winter Park.
The commission’s first response to drop in revenue is to utter “tax increase”? The $2.6 million decrease is from a projected budget and is virtually all new programs, services, jobs. Amateur hour on the commission.
I am having a hard time justifying this tax increase. I feel it is a result of poor planning and poor management of public works projects and public funds. For years the city has barely hidden its cronyism and how it plays favorites with certain residents, business owners, developers and wasteful pet projects, all at the cost of the tax payers. When managed properly, property taxes already go up as property values go up. Good management and popular, attractive, well managed public works projects make the city more desirable, driving demand and property values up, thereby increasing taxes. Jumping straight to a millage increase just seems lazy. Why earn it with smart improvements when the city can just take it through millage increases? Is that the sentiment?
Absolutely correct. Taxable values have compounded annually by almost 5% over the past 15 years compared to CPI at 1.8%. The city has spent this windfall without raising the millage rate by investing in our quality of life while keeping headcount constrained and while building reserves to record levels. These investments secure and increase our property values. We can well afford a year or two of constrained spending or some mix of spending constraint and using some of our reserves. Raising taxes in this environment given our financial strength and prospects is thoughtless. Note the property tax increase for 2021 at last year’s millage rate is already 7.4% as a result of the Orange County Appraisers increased assessments, BEFORE any millage rate increase. The responsible course is to roll back spending to 2019 levels and lower the millage rate accordingly while reducing spending.
I would like sign in my hard. Perhaps the people should demand an outside Audit controlled by committee of none political residents. Need to educate residents on the cost of Library with interest. Cannot afford to give Preforming Arts center $100.000. Per year ‘x 10 if we have to pay for that. We now have two Ladder Fire Trucks at $1,000,000. Each, reason in shop for repairs so much need back up,