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Get On Board the Sun Rail Opportunity

July 1, 2011

Today the Governor of Florida gave the go ahead for the Central Florida Sun Rail commuter rail system.

Sun Rail has been an extraordinarily contentious political issue in Winter Park over the past several years. For all the contention, Winter Park is the only political jurisdiction to be served by Sun Rail that held a popular vote on the project, and we voted to support it.

Various Winter Park city commissions have carefully considered our city’s specific obligations under the Sun Rail agreement with Orange County. Last year, these obligations were materially clarified and agreed to by a 3 to 2 vote.

It has been a tortuous disappointment that some Winter Park city commissioners have used their objection to Sun Rail itself to instigate, agitate, and divide our community over Winter Park’s participation. Any honest opponent of Sun Rail as a regional project must accept the strategic necessity of Winter Park’s participation now that the commuter rail line will become a reality, and should have acknowledged that strategic necessity not withstanding their objection to approval of the entire Sun Rail project.

We are now “all in” as both Winter Park and Orange County residents whether we like it or not and it is time to work together to make Winter Park’s Sun Rail station a complement to the character and quality of our city.

Regards, Pete Weldon






Posted in Commuter Rail, Development.

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  1. Pitt Warner says

    What a wonderful week in Winter Park.!!!!!

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