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Citizen Survey – Honest and Unbiased?

Click here for the full text of the October 2008 Citizen Survey approved by the Winter Park City Commission.

One citizen provided these comments about the survey to the City Commission:

“We just did the ‘survey.’ What a waste of taxpayer dollars in that much of it is worded to be the equivalent of a push poll. Anyone that paid attention in high school freshman science knows you do not ask compound questions and that you must offer a full range of responses not just shades of the same answer. Whoever participated in spending our tax dollars on this should be removed from office and then we should also ban for 5 years the company that did the underlying work; I say this because if they are pollsters and they are contacted to do work for a city they know they are working for the citizens not a private organization and anything this unprofessional and unscientific is a waste of our dollars as well as an insult of our intelligence.”

What do you think?

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