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Update on Historic Preservation Ordinance

The agenda for the Historic Preservation Board meeting of July 8th includes the schedule for further consideration of possible changes to the existing ordinance as follows:

  • August 12 – Historic Preservation Board regular meeting with draft ordinance review (citizen group comments may be available at this meeting)
  • September 9 – Historic Preservation Board regular meeting, receive and final recommendations from the citizen group
  • Community Forums in late September
  • October 7 – Special Historic Preservation Board meeting to consider any amendments
  • October 14 – Historic Preservation Board regular meeting to approve the ordinance and final report
  • November 9 – Ordinance amendment review at City Commission.


I will comment as the above process moves forward and encourage all those who value their right to redevelop their property on an equal basis with their fellow residents to keep advocating for a purely voluntary historic designation process. Consider attending all regular Historic Preservation Board meetings and speak to this priority when public input is taken.

We can best serve the purpose of legitimate historic preservation through encouraging voluntary participation and by insisting on high standards of historic recognition. Click here for more information.

Regards, Pete Weldon

Posted in Development, Districts, Policy.

One Response

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  1. Tranquility says

    Cooper attempted at Monday’s City Commission meeting to accelerate the above schedule and bring it to a Commission vote sooner. It went no further than that, and Cooper’s subversive move failed. But it just demonstrates that radical forces opposing property rights in Winter Park, have no regard for due process, fair public hearing, and careful deliberation on matters coming before the City Commission. It also demonstrates that those who support property rights and existing protections for our historic properties are winning, and that Cooper believes that time is not on her losing side. Cooper apparently knows all too well that the more time that passes, the more residents will learn just how deceptive her proposed ordinance is. Thus her failed scheme to bring the ordinance to a speedy vote.

    Though Cooper failed this time

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